China Certification & Inspection (Group) Fujian Co., Ltd.

Main products: Inspection ,Certification ,Survey ,lab testing

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China Certification & Inspection Group Fujian Co., Ltd. (CCIC-FJ) is a mainland China-based company that engages in inspection, certification, surveying and testing. The company was registered and approved by the National Inspection and Quarantine Supervision Authority and has the qualification to perform cargo inspection, product testing, factory evaluation, losses appraisement, weight and quantity surveying and product and management systems certification in mainland China. It was also accredited to ISO/IEC 17020:1998 (CNAS-CI01 Accreditation Criteria for the competence Inspection Bodies) by the China National Accreditation Service For Conformity Assessment (CNAS) as a competent inspection body to perform various inspection activities. The company was located in Fuzhou, Fujian with its branches and offices spread in nearly all the major costal cities. It has now more than 150 experienced and capable senior engineers, surveyors, inspectors and auditors. At the same time, as a key member of CCIC Group (China Certification and Inspection Group), the company also enjoys significant support in terms of technology resources and network services. The well-established network, competent staff and strong technological support enable CCIC-FJ to provide specialized, impartial, reliable, prompt, confidential localized global service to all its clients wherever they are.

Basic Information

Business Typea:0:{}
Company NameChina Certification & Inspection (Group) Fujian Co., Ltd.
Factory LocationFloor 20, No. 75, East Jiangbin Avenue, Mawei District Fuzhou,Fujian
Factory SizeBelow 1,000 square meters
Main MarketsWestern Europe , North America , Africa , Mid East , Southeast Asia , Eastern Europe , Eastern Asia
Main ProductsInspection ,Certification ,Survey ,lab testing
Number of Workers301 - 500 People
Port of Shipment
We ProvideInspection ,Certification ,Survey ,lab testing
Year Established1992

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